Gif international marca Ceiba
Gif, conscious, simple, memorable, flexible and universal, brand Ceiba
Gif, Design, Experience, Agile, DevOps, UX and UI of the Ceiba brand.
Ceiba branded backgrounds gif


We were born to transform the world

The Ceiba tree

We were born as Ceiba Software House in 2005. A digital company focused on transforming the world through technology and innovation. The Ceiba tree is our symbol, and it was born with us to be the banner of everything we do.

It has been considered the tree of life or the sacred tree by different ancient cultures; it represents the eternity, stability, care and the support that we provide as a company.


Reaffirming what we are

During this year we refreshed our brand, the Ceiba was clearer. The tree trunk, the leaves and roots had more detail and color, looking for a deep meaning: its leafy crown, that not only protects itself, but also the multiple ecosystems created around it; the solid tree trunk gives stability and its strong roots represents our origin.

This version of the Ceiba tree was our banner in the most significant achievements for the company, it allowed us to position ourselves and be recognized as a company and as a family.


Transformation for the world

We turn 16 offering a transformation based on being, listening, speaking and with transparency in everything of what we do. In that way we have grown and acquired a lot of experience.

We evolve our brand to adapt it to the dynamism of the world and reach new horizons. We simplify our Ceiba tree to be more flexible and memorable.

We continue being a team of experts on what we do, continuously learning, and at the forefront of technology; we value the individual and the family, we seek to learn and take care of our clients, through transparency and teamwork.