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As an International Project Manager at Ceiba, I feel very satisfied because of the continuous learning process inherent to my role. Each day in the life of a project manager is different and unfolds with various challenges, as diverse projects have their own objectives, go through several stages, demanding nuanced approaches and adaptable strategies.

Day in the Life of a Ceiba’s Project Manager

Check email, Slack, Teams and Telegram for any urgent messages or requests.
Meet with the teams in the dailies I have to discuss the work done the day before, the day’s goals and priorities.
Review the projects, align priorities and plan with the projects POs and make any necessary adjustments.

Work with the team as needed to complete tasks and milestones.
Meet with internal and external stakeholders to discuss progress and address any concerns.
Manage risks and issues as they arise.

Review the day’s work and make any necessary notes.
Plan for the following day.
Communicate with the team about any changes or updates.

Ceiba’s Project Manager

Professional Journey as a Project Manager

My professional journey as a project manager has spanned an array of sectors, including manufacturing, logistics, automotive rentals, insurance, sports, and entertainment. Each of them has brought distinct perspectives and hurdles, enriching my perspective. Going through the unique exigencies of each industry, with its intrinsic needs and characteristics, is essential to find the best solutions that fit profoundly with the projects at hand.

Enterprises, too, are a study in individuality. While some exhibit meticulous process orientation, others manifest a more fluid organizational environment. Certain entities follow specific methodologies, while others embrace flexibility. Varying degrees of communication efficacy and alignment manifest across organizations. As a project manager, working in this diverse landscape I am open to embrace disparate corporate cultures and be able to augment value and propel project progression.

An important facet of my role lies in catalyzing team synergy and fostering elevated performance benchmarks. A holistic comprehension of team members in their professional capacities is complemented by an empathetic understanding of their individual preferences. By discerning motivators, strengths, development opportunities, and aspirational goals, I empower team members to bloom, removing impediments and bringing project prospects within ongoing projects.

International projects amplify my professional enjoyment, as they introduce cultural dynamics that guarantee learning and excitement. Variations spanning language nuances, cognitive paradigms, information channels, and people values—such as punctuality, respect, work ethic, and conversational styles—demand adaptation and cultural fluency.

The journey of project management starts with the inception excitement, nurturing an evolving concept, and culminating in the delivery of a tangible, value-rich product. As an orchestrator, I change through different roles during the process; problem solver, conflict mitigator, mentor, and leader. This holistic role requires availability to the team, clients, the organization, and colleagues.

Overall, my favorite thing about working as an International Project Manager at Ceiba is rooted in the dynamic interaction and continuous learning process, which involves problem-solving, cultural growth, and value creation for customers. It is my privilege to work while doing  the things I enjoy while driving projects towards success and contributing to Ceiba’s culture of excellence and to lead the international strategy Ceiba has as one of its main goals.

Ana Lucia Arango Montoya

Project manager

One Comment

  • One of the main characteristics of a Ceiba project manager is empathy with the client, the team and everyone involved. Ana, thank you for telling us what a day is like as a project manager and letting us know how you enjoy your role

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