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Observability is a fundamental pillar of DevOps practices because it gives us a holistic view of our entire ecosystem by understanding the behavior of systems in production. Find out their levels and how we do it at Ceiba in this blog.

How to Achieve Peak Performance with Ceiba’s DevOps Services for Enhanced System Observability

Improve the observability and performance of your systems with Ceiba DevOps Services! We are experts in implementing observability tools and practices. We guide you in selecting the best tools, configuring alerts, and generating reports. Integrate AI and ML for proactive observability and avoid failures!

In the DevOps environment, observability has become a fundamental element in ensuring the proper functioning of information systems. Observability helps us have a clear and detailed view of systems’ behavior in development and production, which facilitates the early detection of problems, the rapid resolution of incidents, and the continuous improvement of software quality and the operation of our infrastructure resources. In this article, we’ll explore the different levels of observability and how Ceiba’s DevOps Services team can help organizations scale through these maturity levels.

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Observability Levels in DevOps Practices

Level 1: Monitoring
At the first level of observability, we focus on the basic monitoring of individual components in an information system. The primary goal is to track the status of these components and trigger alerts and notifications when something goes wrong. Monitoring provides an initial view of the system’s health but is limited in understanding events and their impact on overall performance.

Level 2: Observability
At the observability level, we aim to gain insight into the system’s behavior by observing its outputs. We rely on metrics, logs, and traces to infer results and provide baseline data to investigate issues. This level offers a broader, contextualized view of events and helps us understand system performance and potential problems.

Level 3: Causal Observability
This step provides a more complete view for determining the causes of a problem. It builds on the foundation of levels 1 and 2, adding the ability to track topology changes in the IT stack over time. This allows us to generate extensive, correlated information that reduces the time needed to identify the root cause of the problem when it started and what other areas were affected. Causal observability is critical for incident analysis and decision-making.

Level 4: Proactive Observability with AIOps
At the highest level of maturity, proactive observability utilizes AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) to identify patterns in large data volumes. This level combines AI and machine learning with data collected in previous levels to analyze the entire technology stack comprehensively. With early detection of anomalies and sufficient warnings, this level allows us to prevent failures and take proactive measures to maintain system stability and efficiency.

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How Can Ceiba Assist Your Organization?

Ceiba’s DevOps Services team specializes in helping organizations improve their observability maturity levels. We provide expert advice and support in implementing observability tools and practices at all levels. We work closely with teams to design customized strategies that align with your business and technology objectives.

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Some of the ways DevOps services can help you are:

  • Implement monitoring tools: We guide you through selecting and implementing the best tools for your needs. 
  • We configure alerts and notifications to ensure problems are quickly detected and addressed.
  • Observability architecture design: We work with you to design an observability architecture that collects and centralizes relevant data from your systems. This includes selecting key metrics and logs and implementing appropriate collection and storage solutions.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: We use data analysis and visualization techniques to extract meaningful information from the collected data. We generate clear and concise reports highlighting system performance, trends, and areas for improvement.
  • Implement causal observability techniques: We work to implement advanced causal observability techniques, such as event correlation, change traceability, and dependency visualization, to better understand the root causes of problems and facilitate incident resolution.
  • AIOps Integration: We help you integrate AI and ML capabilities into your observability environment. This allows us to detect patterns and anomalies in large volumes of data, provide early warnings, and enable proactive action to avoid outages and optimize performance.

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In summary, observability is a fundamental pillar of DevOps practices because it gives us a holistic view of our entire ecosystem by understanding the behavior of systems in production. As we progress in observability maturity, we gain a deeper understanding of problems and can take proactive steps to prevent outages. DevOps services increase observability by making the most of information systems, optimizing performance, improving user experience, and maintaining operational stability.

Observability Maturity Model Essentials for Greater IT Reliability by LODEWIJK BOGAARDS CTO, STACKSTATE

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