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Agile development is a ‘buzz phrase’ in software development. Unfortunately, some teams pay lip service to the term. Here we examine how agile philosophies are integral at Ceiba, and the benefits of hiring our flexible, adaptable, responsive teams.


The importance of agile development

The digital transformation is placing heavy demands on software developers and business leaders alike, who are under constant pressure to produce functional, viable and scalable digital products in record time.

We at Ceiba frequently emphasize the key aspects that lead to successful IT nearshoring – ease of oversight, improved communication, and that vital ‘cultural click’ that comes from working with your near neighbors in a convenient time zone.

All of these explain ‘why’ so many businesses see nearshoring as the optimal choice for their software development needs.

Now, it is important to discuss the ‘how’ and consider why execution, rather than lip service, is the secret to agile development, and successful IT nearshoring.


What is an agile development methodology?

In nearshore software development, you will often hear the phrase ‘agile development’, and for good reason. Let’s outline exactly what the term means.

Agile development methodology is an umbrella term for values and principles designed to make software development teams ‘agile’ i.e., adaptive and responsive to change.

In the past, software was traditionally developed using the ‘waterfall’ approach, which meant one discipline would complete its part on a project, then ‘push the boat over the edge’ so it fell to the next contributor, and so on.

The philosophies behind agile development have leveled the playing field by emphasizing communication, collaboration, adaptation, and trust between everyone who works on the design, development, testing, and maintenance of a product. 

Ceiba has taken this to heart. We work with collaborative, cross-functional, interwoven teams, rather than individual, isolated pieces.

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Viability, functionality, and scalability over the ‘big reveal’

The ‘waterfall’ approach often led to what is known as the ‘big reveal’. 

Once the last discipline had completed its part, the finished product was presented in a dramatic, flashy way, only for clients to be disappointed when the new product failed to meet their expectations and, worse, did not work.

Agile development refuses to sacrifice quality for futile theatricality. Ceiba’s nearshore software development teams are committed to agile philosophies and dedicated to continuous and visible improvement and feedback.

Often a product’s needs are only discovered when the product is actually in development. It is impossible to predict everything in advance. 

That’s why, at Ceiba, our teams self-organize around digestible deliverables, constantly evaluating results and requirements and solving any issues as soon as they arise.

Ceiba-Agile-developmentCeiba is committed to agile development principles

Agile is a mindset that places its trust in the people who actually develop the product. 

Although Ceiba’s project managers dedicate themselves to clients’ objectives and take the lead in planning, designing, executing and monitoring the software development process from start to finish, they do so with an intrinsic belief in agile philosophies.

Daily meetings ensure everyone in the team is up-to-date, sharing which aspects are complete and which face challenges, and incremental development is an essential component – if something is not working there is no need to destroy it or start again, but to determine what does work and what builds, and do the proper correction from there.


What are some benefits of the agile development methodology?

A project’s progress at Ceiba is measured based on the finished product, rather than schedules or metrics. The most important thing is to deliver a viable, functional product that can continue to improve over time. 

We show confidence and faith in the way software development progresses, which makes it easier for our clients to see real progress and benefits, even in the early stages.


Why does Ceiba’s approach to agile development stand out?

It’s clear the various types of agile development methodologies are an essential force when it comes to ensuring successful IT nearshoring.

The challenge is that some teams only pay lip service to this term. They claim to work in an ‘agile’ fashion because they use tools such as Jira, Trello, and Azure DevOps when, behind the scenes, they are working to a traditional waterfall methodology.

Agile development at Ceiba is not a buzzword. It is a specific philosophy with specific principles that are deeply ingrained in our culture.

We are flexible, and we embrace change, which is the only way to be agile. When unforeseen events arise, as they so often do, not just in software development, but in business, the economy, and the world-at-large, we are always ready to respond. 

That is the secret to agile development, and successful IT nearshoring.


Seek the benefits of agile software development today

There are many reasons to nearshore your next software development project.

We hope it’s clear that the way in which agile philosophies are applied is an essential component to consider, too. 

Contact Ceiba today to find out how the benefits of agile development can transform your next customized app, or other digital product.


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