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  7. Ceiba, present at the Innovation Land Summit 2023

Ceiba, present at the Innovation Land Summit 2023

Event innovation summit

Our General Manager, Stibenzon Cañas and Technology Manager, Elizabeth Berrío; were the ambassadors of the #CeibaFamily who were present at the annual meeting of the explorers of the future of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in Colombia and Latin America:

The Innovation Land Summit 2023, an event organized by ANDI in Plaza Mayor in Medellín with more than 30 experts from different specialties.

There they talked about trends in technology, digital transformation and the different visions of the future that are transforming the world.

There were two days of learning and connection spaces, with high-impact conferences, practical workshops, intelligent interactions with national leaders in innovation, entrepreneurship and digital transformation, powerful conversations and exchange spaces. 

This was a great opportunity to interact and experience first-hand the future we are creating. There, our ambassadors learned about success stories, experiences of failures from which they gained lessons and spaces to continue building the future.