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Outsourcing work to the IT industry is the best way to approach the digital transformation. Ceiba creates customized apps and other digital solutions. Each tech team has a customer success manager, project manager, technical coach and talented developers. 

Plane over Ceiba software buildingOutsourcing and nearshoring are the keys to success


Outsourcing work to the IT industry is one of the most successful strategies a company can undertake.

What outsourcing means is hiring another company or professionals to fulfill a task, such as developing and managing a new technology, rather than doing so internally. 

The advantages of outsourcing to overseas tech teams include: saving time and money, and accessing cutting edge tech.

Nearshoring is outsourcing’s younger, trendier cousin – companies deliberately outsource to a nearby country to avoid expensive travel, and culture, language and time zone clashes, as well as seeking new and emerging talent.

But no big decision is easy, and businesses keen to outsource work often want to know exactly who will comprise their new team at a software development company like Ceiba.

The benefits of outsourcing to Ceiba


Ceiba’s outsource services are delivered by our experienced, committed and highly-qualified tech teams. 

We act as a convenient and visionary extension of your business – combining the peace of mind that accompanies our collaborative skills and attention to detail, with creativity and a passion for our work.

Examples of outsourcing to Ceiba include the development of custom-designed apps for businesses large and small, and bespoke staff augmentation.

External suppliers like us take the stress out of software design and development. 

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4 Ceiba’s Outsource Services


1. Customer Success Manager

Ceiba uses agile practices in its software development, prioritizing individuals, interactions, and customer collaboration with an emphasis on working software and flexibility in response to change.

This streamlines our selection processes for each new tech team. We form our teams from a pool and get moving on our projects quickly.

Every Ceiba team has a customer success manager, who acts as a conduit between and strengthens our relationship with our clients.

2. Project Manager

We inject all of our projects with hard work and vision. Our talented team members have a thirst for learning, constantly seeking to enhance their hard and soft skills. This starts with a rigorous training program we call Ceiba DNA.

Our project managers are a vital part of the specialized services we offer. They take the lead role in planning, overseeing and delivering our solutions.

3. Technical Coach

Ceiba’s agile teams are the reason we work so closely with our clients.

We take pride in the technical excellence behind our outsourcing work, including our specialized engineering practices and advanced tools, such as automated testing, ethical hacking and close attention to code complexity and the avoidance of bugs.

Every agile team has a technical coach, dedicated to creating and monitoring our teams’ processes and performance to ensure we meet and exceed our goals.

4. Software Developers

No Ceiba team would be complete without our incredible developers, who design, develop, build and test our customized apps.

One of the many impacts of the global pandemic was that it accelerated the already speedy digital transformation and the switch to outsourcing, meaning businesses large and small are revolutionizing their services.

Software developers are more in demand than ever. 

At Ceiba, we emphasize the importance of our developers enjoying their work and thriving in our workplace. We prioritize human value and have built and retain a skilled and multidisciplinary workforce that attracts world-class talent. 

That’s one reason why we were doubly certified as a great place to work – following the outstanding results of surveys conducted among our staff.

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5. UX/UI

Ceiba’s user experience (UX) designers and user interface (UI) designers are fundamental to our work.

These specialist designers are integrated into our development teams to ensure our digital product users have the best possible experience.

They use a wide range of techniques to guarantee every product Ceiba designs is simple, intuitive, and engaging.

Nearshore your tech needs today


Outsourcing work to the IT industry is a big decision, but it’s an essential one following the global shift to digital.

Businesses large and small benefit from the design and development of custom-designed apps and other digital products, which drive sales, facilitate communication, personalize customers’ experiences and boost brand loyalty and visibility.

Contact Ceiba and take advantage of the benefits of outsourcing your company’s technological transformation today.


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